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 Team Comps

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Join date : 2012-02-21

Team Comps Empty
PostSubject: Team Comps   Team Comps Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 4:09 pm

Just messing around with some ideas in my head. All of these certainly don't have to be tried but I think many would be a lot of fun to do so. Leave your thoughts and ideas below.

Bot Lane: Karma/Zilean + Singed
Mid Lane: Veigar / Swain
Jungle: Gangplank / Nunu
Top Lane: Ranged AD Cait / Vayne / Urgot

This comp obviously changes things up a bit by sending Singed bot lane with the support. The idea of this comp is to build around Singed in a way that will be support him, set up for very strong fight initates, and have high burst for the unlucky toss victim. Singed would focus pure tank whereas Karma/Zilean would focus on Ap burst while still primarily focusing on the support role. The strength of the lane is meant to be the very high mobility. Singed would go pure into the defense tree so he'd be able to take a lot of punishment and have the move speed masteries, he'd have defense + move speed runes, and go boots first. Karma or Zilean would get their move speed increase at a low level, from there, non-stop harass. The biggest weakness of this comp would be top lane. We'd need someone who knew how to survive solo as a squishy top and it would be largely dependant on the other top lane pick, a ranged Ad vs a gangplank for instance would be a nightmare, but vs an Irelia or Nasus would be devastating to them. Team fights would start off with a Veigar stun or Swain root, Singed would charge in with the support's speed buff as well as gangplanks if we had it, all burst would fly to the unlucky victim who SHOULD be a carry being thrown by singed and ensure an immediate 5v4. Nunu would be a strong sub for Gangplank as we'd further ensure that noone would ever get away if caught.

High CC team:

Top Solo: Galio, Jarvan, Jax, Sion
Mid AP: Veigar, Sion, Morgana, Annie, Malz
Jungle: Amumu, Udyr, Rammus
Bot Support: Taric/Sona/Alistar
Bot Ranged AD: Vayne

This comp doesn't require much explanation but it is something important to think about it. Some of the hardest teams have the most CC. Surely there's a few others but those champions give a ton of CC covering each role and in a team fight if well coordinated it could be devastating.

AP team

Top Lane: Trynd/Mord
Jungle: Trynd/Fiddle
Mid: Swain/Fiddle
Bot Support: Soraka
Bot Ranged: AP teemo / AP Kog

This comp works well, in theory. The idea behind this comp is to build a 4 AP team so the enemy team is forced to build a lot of MR and will allow Trynd to go crazy. If they focus Trynd then his ult, soraka's heals, and perhaps a Guardian Angel will make that a nightmare. If they don't focus Trynd then he becomes our wrecking ball. As for the rest of our damage, I like the thought of Fiddle being on the team for his -16 MR, Combine him with Soraka's q to shred off MR, an Abyssal Scepter on any one of our AP champions, and throw in any other magic penetration items we feel like and all their MR becomes wasted. Both swain and mord would get a Will of the Ancients ensuring a very tanky and annoying team.

Poke team:

Top Lane: Galio, Gangplank, Gragas
Mid: Gragas, Veigar, Ziggs, Lux
Jungle: Gangplank
Bot Ranged: Cait, Ezreal, Ashe, Corki
Bot Support: Nidalee

As you can see depending on how you built this comp there isn't much in the way of a tank, but I have seen it work to annoyingly great potential. The idea is as the name implies that you poke the other team, refusing to engage, until they're low enough that they have no choice to run or that you feel an engage is safe. It requires a team that knows how to aim skill shots well. Even without a tank with constant poke their tank can be taken out of the mix ensuring the fight easily becomes a 5v4 or that their tank will be made short work of if he comes back in. If we did decide we wanted a tank GP, Galio, or Gragas are all strong for that role.

High Mobility + Defense

Teemo, Heim, GP, Janna, TF
Top Lane: Teemo/Heim/TF/Shen/Gp
Jungle: Shen/GP
Mid: Heim/Teemo/Janna
Bot Support: Janna/TF
Bot Ranged: TF/Teemo

This is more or less a troll comp that I think would be absolutely hilarious and fun to play. The idea behind it is to have everyone go teleport, push one lane, and then teleport to the other. The reason for the champion picks: Picture... we all push bot lane, they're forced to all or mostly come bot to defend, when they all come we all teleport top and start pushing there. Left behind is a vast field of teemo's mushrooms set to knock out any advancing creeps, and heim's turrets left at the tower. If they chose to go top to defend us they'd lose a LOT of time running because at most they might have 1 MAYBE 2 people teleport and that would make for an easy tower dive. If they chose to push they would be basically forced to tower dive without minions, through mushrooms, and into heim's turrets. In addition to that defense we could leave Janna behind who in my opinion is the best solo tower defender in the game with her massively long tornado and the ability to wipe an entire wave of minions out with just 1 of them, as long as she goes AP. Couple that with the ability to shield a turret and knock back enemies she'd be a force to be reckoned with. There would be virtually no way to defend against the maneuver. We would surely win a base race if we decided to push and left our defense, if they went back to defend that'd atleast be a tower or two, if they split their team up that'd be a team fight with numbers in our favor. The same strategy could then be implemented to get an easy baron or dragon.

AOE Goodness:

Top: Galio/Amumu/Rumble/GP
Jungle: Amumu/fiddle/GP
Mid: Morgana/Ziggs/Cassio/Karthus/Brand
Bot Support: Sona
Bot Ranged: Graves/Kennen

I'm not going to bother explaining this one, you can imagine it. Team fights, ults, devastation.

Divide and Conquer:

Top: GP/Blitz/Gragas
Jungle: GP/Trundle/Jarvan
Mid: Anivia
Bot Ranged: Tristana/Vayne/Urgot
Bot Support: Alistar/Janna

This is a very high coordination comp. The idea behind this comp is to create situations where the team fights are guaranteed odds in our favor. The strategy is to place well placed Aniva walls, Trundle walls, and GP ults and use them to cut off the enemy team after we catch someone. Using the knockbacks of Tristana, Gragas, and Alistar we would keep the rest of the other team on the opposite side of the walls until we wanted to engage them. The teams would be forced to run long distances around the walls, burn flashes, or tank GP ults in order to remain in the fight. This comp I think would be incredibly fun to play but again it requires a massive level of coordination and positioning so unless it was well practiced wouldn't have a place in tournament play. If you don't know though all the knockbacks can knock people through the forest and walls


Top: Kog/Mundo/Garen/Poppy
Jungle: Jarvan
Mid: Malz
Bot Ranged: Vayne/Kog
Support: Any support/poppy

This would be just a mean comp to play. Perhaps not the best of them but fun and effective regardless. As the name implies it's primary focus is to make sure that we don't have to worry about tanks as everyone has the ability to shred off % life. Couple that with Madred's Bloodrazor or Deathfire Grasp and high life is short work. The major weakness of this comp is the high amount of magic damage reliance so a strong soraka support or magic penetration is a must.

No ward team:

Bot Support: Nidalee
Bot Ranged: Cait
Jungle: Shaco
Mid: Teemo
Top Solo: Maokai

At this point I'm just running out of themed ideas and being silly, but you really wouldnt need wards with this team and that would be funny for us and annoying for them.

Trynd team:

Jungle: Tryndamere
Top Solo: Yorick
Mid: Morgana/Zilean
Bot Ranged: Kayle
Bot Support: Janna/Zilean
This comp focuses on the annoying devastation of a very capable Tryndamere. Individually strong champions focus on providing support for Tryndamere during team fights. Team fight starts, Trynd rushes in. Beats people up, goes down, Guardian Angel Brings him back, he pops ult, Zilean ults him, he goes down, comes back, Kayle ults him, Yorick Ults him, he goes down, comes back.... and if we hadn't won by that point then wtf we need a new tryndamere. Morgana would be a nice addition because her black shield would ensure Trynd wasn't getting CC'd. Yorick could pop his ult earlier for 2 Tryndameres, If trynd wasn't getting focused then we save someone else and they get to regret ignoring a Tryndamere.

Snipe Team
Ziggs, Cait, Lux, Ezreal, Karthus, GP, Ashe

This is pretty much a troll comp and a hilarious one at that. Note everyone's ults. We run around the forest 5 ulting unsuspecting players, What joy!

Long Range Initate

Top: Nautilus
Jungle: Amumu/Sejuani
Mid: Ahri/Veigar
Bot Ranged: Urgot
Bot Support: Blitz

Again I'm just bored and coming up with random things at this point, but this team would be kings underneath a tower. Sit back and throw out skill shots until you get lucky.

Never die

Top Solo: Shen
Mid: Lux/Janna/Morgana/Oriana
Jungle: Lee Sin
Bot Ranged: Kayle
Bot Support: Soraka/Janna/Karma

Everyone has a shield, work together, keep each other alive.
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